Hard Day’s Night

Imagine this: one otherwise typical Wednesday morning, you awake from a horrific dream concerning a bus ride gone terribly wrong with the feeling that your brain has swelled inside your very head, and then the next day, after the headache has finally subsided, your stomach decides to feel as if it is eating itself inside out. That, my friends, was the reality of my week.

So, yes, pain and school are not the most enjoyable combination. “Kristen, why didn’t you just stay home, for goodness’ sake?!” This is called “stubbornness” or “determination” or, more accurately, “I don’t really know why but I hate staying home when I’m sick so I rarely do because I’d rather just tough it out then miss.” Proving to myself I can take it? The world may never truly know…

Anyways, I am fine now, thank you. Mostly, I am just glad it is Friday. It’s not been the best past two weeks. In the same fourteen days, I have not felt well as aforementioned, not done as well as I hoped on a certain few quizzes, struggled through learning to play notes on my guitar,  found out my friend is switching schools,  dragged  my heavy guitar all the way across campus when called to the office at the end of the day,  AND had to listen to Bieber in World Music. None of those have been very happy things.

Yet, I have learned in life not to let the bad stuff always drag me down. “Ain’t nobody got time for that,” after all. The good things in life still outnumber the bad by a long shot: honor roll, getting to skip class and watch a movie because of honor roll, feeling better, the rap we wrote at my Wednesday Bible study, the pep rally today that included a powder puff cheerleaders routine with a reference to the infamous Kanye West/Taylor Swift VMA incident of 2009 (“Yo Taylor, Imma let you finish, but Beyonce’ had the best video of all time!”), the INCREDIBLE writing style the author of the book I’m reading has… The list could go on and on.

So, yes, even after the most “hard day’s night,” in the end, it’s all good. Especially when it’s Friday.

“Yo reader, I’m happy for you and all, and Imma let you finish, but Friday is the best day of the week of ALL TIME!”

Stay strong and fearless,
