
I have hardly been in class this week.

Kristen! you chide me. What is a good and responsible student like yourself doing skipping class?!

To which I reply: No, I have not been skipping. This week’s schedule has been screwed up.

I missed Monday because I was out of town for the weekend on a retreat (which, by the way, was very awesome; I loved it). Tuesday we spent second period in “study hall” because sophomores were taking a nasty standardized test (I feel for them; remember the beginning of my year? 🙂 ). Wednesday I had class all day, but we hardly did anything first period and watched a movie last period… And that brings us to today, the day of my very first field trip in public high school! You know where we went? The local community college for a career fair. It was so much fun (note my sarcasm).

Have you ever heard the saying “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”?  Well, I have decided this week to rephrase that just a tad: “When life gives you lemons, throw them back at it so hard it wishes it never even met you.” Why or how would one do this, you ask? Don’t just “make the best” of bad situations; refuse to accept them.

Tuesday I was so tired after my very full weekend away. However, I tried my very best to fight the exhaustion and make it a good day nonetheless. As I was walking back over from interning at the elementary school, I was trying to figure out a way to make myself feel better when I saw my friend’s car. I decided to sit in the grass and write a note to stick on her windshield (with a PS saying, “If this isn’t the right person’s car…. then this is awkward…. Hope you have a good day anyway!” just in case 🙂 ). I almost instantly felt happier, knowing I was spreading happiness to someone else.

Wednesday was when I coined my rephrase of the lemons saying. It was going terribly. After first period, I had accidentally carried Earl (my stupid, heavy guitar with whom I have a love/hate relationship) to geometry class rather than putting him in the band room closet. Realizing my stupid mistake, I got a pass from my teacher to return to the band room. It is a long walk, and in this state, we have hot winters. As the day progressed, I forgot to eat and had four English tests I’d almost forgotten about and had to watch a really boring and partially disturbing documentary about Mozart. But I tried my best to keep a good attitude through it, I really did… try.

Quick question- do you have any idea how much fun it is to pretend to be extremely interested in something you care absolutely nothing about? That’s what I did at the career fair today. 🙂 I mean, it wasn’t boring, but I’m not really that interested in managing a self-storage facility, or dental assisting, or career counseling, or banking… But hey, I got candy. Pretty sweet deal, right? It semi-makes up for a few awkward run-ins…

But, like I said, throw the lemons back at life. If you keep your hands full of lemons that you’re collecting to turn into lemonade, what else will you be able to hold? So, that is why I say, throw the lemons back at Life. Show it who’s boss, and be the master of your own day. Each day is only what you make of it.

Excelsior, no lemons in hand.

Stay strong and fearless,
